Burning Hearts

And they said one to another,
"Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us by the way, and while He opened to us the scriptures?
40 Day Journey to knowing Jesus more fully
February 22~Aril 7 The Galilean Ministry
March 9~April 23 The Perean Ministry and Passion Week
It’sbeen said that Lenten season is the Christians' 'Spring Training'. I liked that when I read it years ago and decided to use this time of year to draw closer to the Lord through prayer, fasting, and a closer look at Christs' life and ministry in scripture. "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering, being conformed to His death." Philippians 3:10

Friday, March 2, 2012

Darkness or Light?

John 3:19:-21
Jesus ends His discussion with Nicodemus explaining that God's condemnation is automatically upon us if we do not believe in His Son.  The Son is our light...the lampstand in the tabernacle...the knowledge of the truth of life to our minds and hearts.  If we do not accept the truth that Jesus is the Son of God who saved mankind from sin our minds...our souls...remain in darkness.  He says the reason some people remain in darkness is because they are unwilling to change, they love their evil selfish and prideful ways and are not willing to give them up.  Nicodemus came to Jesus during the nightime...at the darkest time of day so he wouldn't be seen by other men...I believe Jesus is telling Nicodemus that he (as we all are ) is condemned by God and that if  he wants to dispell the confusion in his mind and be right with God he needs the light of knowledge and must come to believe in who He (Jesus) is.  If Nicodemus had initially believed Jesus was the Messiah...the true Son of God...he wouldn't have come to him in the dark but rather openly in the light of day.  That alone revealed something about Nicodemus however later he does become a believer in the light of day and wasn't afraid of men but rather was freed by the "fear of God".

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