Burning Hearts

And they said one to another,
"Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us by the way, and while He opened to us the scriptures?
40 Day Journey to knowing Jesus more fully
February 22~Aril 7 The Galilean Ministry
March 9~April 23 The Perean Ministry and Passion Week
It’sbeen said that Lenten season is the Christians' 'Spring Training'. I liked that when I read it years ago and decided to use this time of year to draw closer to the Lord through prayer, fasting, and a closer look at Christs' life and ministry in scripture. "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering, being conformed to His death." Philippians 3:10

Saturday, February 25, 2012


John 2:12
Jesus went to Capernaum with His mother and brothers although he didn't stay there long.  Jesus will later come back to this city and settle here for a time performing many miracles and preaching a message of repentence.  For now though He heads to Jerusalem for the Passover.

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